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Cork bark is perhaps the most versatile terrarium material you can buy.

With a unique combination of structural and bioactive qualities, cork bark can perform a wide variety of functions (and look good doing it).

Cork bark is perhaps the most versatile terrarium material you can buy.

With a unique combination of structural and bioactive qualities, cork bark can perform a wide variety of functions (and look good doing it).

Though it’s technically a bark and not a wood (the clue is in the name), it tends to be labeled a softwood. So you’ll still find it in the hardscape/wood section.

Naturally, as the outside coating of a tree, it’s designed to be water-resistant and hardy. But thanks to some unique structural properties, it can do far more than simply resist the elements.


  • Water-resistant – A hydrophobic membrane of a substance called “Subarin” is thought to be the source of cork bark’s incredible impermeability.
  • Rot and mold resistant – Being impermeable to liquid has a handy side-effect of basically preventing rotting. You can’t break down what you can’t get into!
  • Elastic – The low-density structure holds air pockets that can compress and bounce back.

Cork Bark for terrarium (1 sq ft)

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